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Today, American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear issued the following statement about the inclusion of a permanent hours-of-service restart fix in Congress' bipartisan Continuing Resolution:

"ATA thanks Congress for including what should be a permanent fix to the hours-of-service restart in this Continuing Resolution, and we look forward to its final passage into law to resolve this issue.  Reverting back to the pre-July 2013 restart shifts the emphasis back to safety by removing flawed data from the rulemaking process. The entire industry will now be able to comply with this rule thanks to a common sense approach championed by a bipartisan group of legislators. 

"While ATA sought the same for preempting states that have added redundant rest break requirements on top of the existing federal standard, ATA will continue to push hard for federal preemption of specific state laws when the 115th Congress convenes next month."

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West Virginia Trucking Association members receive a 2.7% discount

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