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WVTA Buyers Guide


Listen to an audio presentation of our July 12 LiveOnWeb program, "The 2017 Top 100 For-Hire Carrier Rankings and Forecasting the Shifting Business Climate."

Several speakers at the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business' "The Economics and Regulation of the Freight Rail Industry" colloquium addressed various aspects of railroad and other transportation industries June 16.

The trucking industry's march toward self-driving trucks is gaining momentum as new developers attempt to accelerate the pace of innovation.

Truck makers, technology developers and regulators are paving the way for self-driving commercial vehicles, but the future of the industry ultimately will be shaped by fleets and the extent to which they adopt automated driving capabilities.

As the trucking industry moves toward more advanced automated driving technologies, drivers are viewing this trend with a mixture of optimism and trepidation.

WVTA Members Receive a 2.7% discount
West Virginia Trucking Association members receive a 2.7% discount

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