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WVTA Buyers Guide


U.S. trailer orders continued to mount in April, tightening the pressure on trailer makers to secure the components and labor needed to boost production amid the rising cost of materials.

Deere & Co. plans to raise prices as the world’s biggest farm-machinery manufacturer is buffeted by rising costs for freight and raw materials.

In the endless quest to make trailers lighter, sturdier and more thermally efficient, some trailer manufacturers are expanding their use of composite materials, which could offer the potential for a higher strength-to-weight ratio.

When Cummins Inc. invited industry journalists to the introduction of its X15, the new generation of its 15-liter truck engine, the event showcased not only the latest in heavy-duty truck engines, but also the evolution of transmission technology in trucking.

Many in the industry say variable-speed drives, which run only as fast as necessary, are increasingly popular. Variable drives can save on horsepower and therefore save on fuel. However, the more traditional on-off drive also is a popular choice because it’s simplest and cheapest.

WVTA Members Receive a 2.7% discount
West Virginia Trucking Association members receive a 2.7% discount

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