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WVTA Buyers Guide


Daimler Trucks North America on Dec. 20 delivered to Penske Truck Leasing the first in a series of electric trucks Penske plans to deploy in California and the Pacific Northwest.

In the first full year of ELD compliance, waivers and compliance dominate the top 10. Amazon continues to make headlines as well.

Uber Technologies Inc., which halted its self-driving car program after the death of a pedestrian in March, resumed testing of self-driving cars on public roads in Pittsburgh on Dec. 20, the company said.

In the news business, if journalists believe a story has some long-term relevance, we say the story “has legs.” The term is meant to suggest that a topic could carry forward for a while, or that an article could be published at a later date, since the content has lesser risk of growing stale.

Meritor Inc. announced a 2019 aftermarket training series. The global aftermarket supplier will host more than 12 regional training events in the United States and Canada, offering support for parts, sales and service employees.

WVTA Members Receive a 2.7% discount
West Virginia Trucking Association members receive a 2.7% discount

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